Sunday, December 19, 2010


The Children's Choir sings "Christmastime" with the Sanctuary Choir during our Carols for Christmas worship service on December 19

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

PASSPORTkids! 2010

One of the highlights of my job is taking kids to camp. Last summer, 10 of us traveled to Crossville, Tennesse (somewhere in between Nashville & Knoxville) to attend PASSPORTkids

Our theme: Barefoot

Sunday night worship

Caroline helped lead worship by carrying a water jug across the field. This was an example of what children in Ethiopia have to do to get water for their families.

Katherine prayed

Morning Devotions

Morning celebrations

We had the most mail!

Monday Night - Ethiopian Night Market


The kids spent each afternoon rotating between different stations. Each day they went to a missions rotation (the missionary or one of two water sessions, well digging, and camper's choice)
Our staff missionary - Tori Wentz

Well Digging:


Pool time!

Camper's Choice:
Alexis at Canoeing

Caleb in basketball

Maddie makes a banner in crafts

Barron rehearses for his role as Jesus in the Worship Drama rotation

Caroline rehearses to be part of the Worship Processional

Katherine's water bottle holder from crafts

Caleb in soccer

Barron and Brendan canoe

Barron in Drama -they were telling a story about superheroes

Alexis in cooking

Alexis made a delicious blueberry muffin, ice cream cone, with chocolate on top...all for me:) yum!

Caleb canoes

Leah in crafts

Katherine canoes

Brendan in cooking


Every time we turned around, Katherine was getting hurt!


Free time
Everyone's favorite: Gaga Ball



Boys Cabin

New friends

Best chaperones ever

Wednesday - Closing Celebration and Worship

Barron performs in the worship drama

Departing camp! What a great week. Can't wait until next year!