There isn't much that gets kids wound up like the anticipation of an Easter Egg Hunt! These kids were crazy excited on Wednesday night. Our pastor even said that next year the egg hunt needs to be top secret...don't tell the kids that it's happening, have the parents hide baskets and eggs in their cars, go about a normal wednesday night, and then when it's time: Surprise! Easter Egg Hunt!
It would be pretty impressive if we could actually pull something like that off.
Nonetheless, it was fun to see kids so thrilled to be at church and having fun. And what we thought would for sure be a rainy day all day, turned out to just be a cloudy evening. It was a great night!
I didn't get any pictures of the actual hunt because it was over in all of 30 seconds:) I also missed a lot of the big kids because I didn't make it to their playground until the end of the night. And this being my first attempt at shooting with my dslr in manual mode, a lot of my pictures turned out blurry. The good thing is that I know what I did wrong on those, so hopefully I'll keep getting better at it.
Will was all business and collected more eggs than anyone!
Ayano is too cute in her pig tails:)
Sweet sleeping baby Cole and his mommy, Amy.
The egg hunt took on a whole new meaning when Carlton realized that there was candy in those eggs!
Harris tells me about his success
Ayano tastes the goods
Nate and dad take a break on the swing
Carlton and mommy
Amy and her sweet boys
BFF's - Mackenzie, Jessica, Kaelie, Ally
His shirt is right, somehow this monkey escaped to the big kid playground and climbed up to the top of this 6ft ring ladder!
Crazy girls - Marie and Maddie
Katherine helps Ayano swing
Up there!
She's getting me! (Joi and Carlton had a great time playing chase!)
one of our sweet nursery workers, Jade, helps Nate swing
fun on the alligator seesaw
baby Cole:) - 4 months old
Another of our sweet nursery workers, Joi, plays with Nate
Mackenzie, Marie, Kelly