A great time was had by all while we explored the mighty love of God on our High Seas Expedition. With 125 children and 38 volunteers, we celebrated our largest VBS to date (at least since I've been at Parkway). It was a fun week of experiencing God through Bible stories, games, theme dress, crafts, and songs...
During Wonderful Wednesday, the Parkway Kids helped decorate!
Barron was very proud of his shark eating the fish. What a creative idea!
Mrs. Brandy made this ship!
Day 1 theme: God's Word is true.
Bible Story: God frees Peter from prison. Acts 12:1-19.
Beach Day!
Nancy, Alexis, and Leah's class

4th and 5th graders in our opening ceremony
Day 2 theme: God's word is comforting.
Bible story: God comforts Paul in a storm at sea. Acts 27.
Pirates and Sailors Day!
Cutie Pie-rate Carlton
Sailor Ayano
Marina's Dolphins
Mrs. Jodie leading a preschool music session
Emma Grace, Maddie, and Marie
Jessica and Kaelie
Carlton snuck in the boat while Mrs. Brandy's class was away!
Elementary Crafts with Mrs. Amy
Wink's Monkeys in Preschool Crafts
We LOVE Mr. Bobby and Mrs. Pat - our 4th and 5th grade guides. Each year they help the 4th and 5th graders memorize all the books of the Bible!
Day 3 theme: God's word is surprising.
Bible Story: Paul survives a bite by a poisonous snake. Acts 28:1-10
Crazy Hair Day!
Kaelie's Crazy hair!

Day 4 theme: God's word is for everyone.
Bible Story: The community of believers share. Acts 2:42-47
High Seas Expedition tshirt day!
Day 4 pics still to come!
Don't be sad! You can come back next year!
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